Privacy Policy for the Hoopdance Designer app

The party responsible for this app for purposes of data protection law is:

Nora Kelemen
Zieglerstrasse 43a
3007 Bern


The controller's data protection officer is:

Nora Kelemen 

Information about the data processing

The Hoopdance Designer app does not collect any data about its users at this stage. All data are stored locally on the user's own device and are not sent to any server. The only exception is, when you share a Hoopdance that contains custom images you added from your photo library or took with your camera. These images are sent to the Hoopdance server in order to provide them to the recipient of the shared Hoopdance. If you don't want your custom move images to be uploaded to the Hoopdance server, just don't share a Hoopdance containing such images with anyone.


If you contact us via email, the data you provide will be used for the purpose of processing your request. We must have this data in order to process and answer your inquiry; otherwise we will not be able to answer it in full or at all.

Your data will be deleted once we have fully answered your inquiry and there is no further legal obligation to store your data, such as if an order or contract resulted therefrom.